YOU Matter also means every employee has an impact on our success and can make Townsquare better. Race, background, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, physical ability, perspective and life experience are all important elements of who our team members are.

We embrace this diversity because we care about our team members and because these individualities contribute a wealth of knowledge, talent and experience that ultimately benefit the company.

We have work to do, but our goal is for everyone in the company to be seen, heard and valued.

We will accomplish this through increased awareness and empathy around the challenges faced by one another-by making diversity part of our culture not just as an initiative, but by taking action when we see inequality or mistreatment. Investment of time, resources and money is crucial. We are following through on this commitment, which started with the creation of a Diversity and Inclusion Council in July of 2020.

Townsquare's mission is to enhance the communities we serve and use our influential voices to improve and support all members of those communities. This starts with our own.